a graphic identity for a new home

My firm moved to 1 WTC this past fall after working out of the West Village for the past 35 years.

Upon arriving at our new office, the firm Iaunched an initiative called "Re-Orientation" which was a series of events centered around acclimating to our new environment, space and neighborhood. I designed a pair of posters to kickoff the initiative. Both posters use the iconic tower, our new home, as a basis to explore the idea of re-orienting oneself.



The first poster stands as a more tongue-in-cheek interpretation. Letters are literally re-oriented and re-organized to create a simple yet bold transformation of the word itself. Elements from the Adobe 'transform' tools are brought into the composition as a way to make visible the actions that have taken place.



The second poster maps projects from the firm’s past, present and future to create a timeline of sorts. The composition makes visible the transformation of projects through the ages mapped against our iconic new home.


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Nicholas Jeffway © 2024